Here's another dish for all of you. Very easy to prepare and so easy to cook, Tinolang Manok. I remember when I was still a kid my grandmother used to cook us this dish using chicken tagalog or native chicken. I am so loving this food specially when rainy season. Enjoy!
Ingredients :
1 lb. chicken, cut into serving pieces (or any part you like)
1 cup chicken liver or chicken gizzard (optional)
1 small size ginger, cut into strips
2 cloves garlic, crushed
1 onion, chopped
2 tbsp. fish sauce (patis)
salt and pepper to taste
4 to 5 cups water
2 to 3 cups sayote (you can also use unripe papaya)
1 cup chili leaves (dahong sili)
2 finger chili a.k.a. siling haba (optional)
Procedure :
1. Heat oil in a sauce pan and saute garlic, ginger and onions.
2. Add your chicken and cook for 3 to 5 minutes. Season it with fish sauce then put salt and pepper to taste (depends on your taste).
3. Add water and wait to boil. If the chicken is half done put your sayote (or unripe papaya) and let it simmer until chicken and sayote are tender. Then add finger chili and chili leaves on top of your dish. Cover your pan.
4. Remove heat and stir to combine until well blended. Wait for the green vegetables to cook and transfer to a serving dish and serve while it is hot hot hot. :D