Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Choosing for best Wi-Fi modem/router?

My wife and I are planning to avail a broadband connection in our house in Laguna so that we can enjoy surfing net without worrying to paid big amount of money by loading our prepaid USB stick broadband. I personally want a wired internet because the signal of our network provider is very weak inside our house and also wired internet are much reliable than wireless.

Luckily our cable provider has a promo for broadband internet. We just need to upgrade our plan so that we can enjoy Cable + 1.5Mbps Broadband internet (unlimited). They will not provide us wireless modem/router so I need to know what to buy.

I know many wireless Internet routers appear very much alike. But for me I am considering Speed Ratings, Latest Models, Warranties, Size and Style, Compatibility, and of course the budget.

Do you have any idea what is the best for me to buy? Let me know okay. It will help me a lot. Thanks.

note: credit picture to the original uploader


  1. why not try smart wi-max?only 999/mo. no nid to buy router.

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  3. Finding a good provider is tricky..
    You need to check what works best in ur area..
    I use globe innove.. wireless.
    not really the best especially in bad weather..
    but the connection is fairly constant.

  4. hello there :) I think smart wi-max is better :)

    visit me back, friend :)


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  6. so like reading here... :) good luck for you always... :)

  7. Hi! Yes Im from Laguna. Why? Thanks for the visit.

  8. PLDT MyDSL has a free phone and you can also avail the package with Wi-Fi...

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